Pronouns: What they are, Why they matter & How to share them in Slack!

Have you checked out our 2023 Pride Resource page curated by our Pride subcommittee?! Each day is an opportunity to learn, read, support, discover, and learns the way to be an ally to the LGBTQIA+ community And speaking of allyship, I'm here today to share a bit more about the importance of pronouns.. what they are, and why they matter. Pronouns are integral to who we are, and we share pronouns because we want to avoid assuming someone's pronouns based on factors like appearance. By sharing our own pronouns routinely, we encourage others to do the same and demonstrate that we understand the importance of sharing pronouns. Using someone’s correct pronouns is an important way of affirming someone’s identity and is a fundamental step in being an ally.

  • Common pronouns include she/her/hers, he/him/his, and they/them/theirs. There are other nonbinary pronouns. It is important to ask people what their pronouns are. If you have questions, politely ask the person to give examples of how to use the pronouns.

  • Treat pronouns the same way you treat names: commit them to memory to show you respect for how someone wants to be addressed

  • Encourage folks to proactively share pronouns in settings like interviews, vendor meetings, training/workshops, etc., and extend an optional invitation for others to share. Check out this video as an example!

 have you added your pronouns to Slack & Zoom? Slack has a feature to manage your pronoun display on your profile! Follow these simple steps to add your preferred pronouns to your Slack profile and/or email signature Adding pronouns in Slack:

  • Click on your profile/profile photo on the top right of your Slack

  • Click on Edit

  • Add your preferred pronouns

  • See how it'll show up! (screenshot)

Thank you all in advance, and feel free to share this post in the regional slack channels too!