MLK Jr Day Replay ⏪ "The MLK You Didn't Know"

In the US, Martin Luther King Jr Day is a federal holiday that honors the American clergyman, activist, and Civil Rights Movement leader. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.(January 15, 1929 – April 4, 1968) is best known for his role in advancing civil rights using nonviolent civil disobedience and his famous speeches (ie. “I Have a Dream”) that were meant to bring the nation together during a time of great division.

Last week to celebrate and recognize MLK day we partnered with Confetti for an hour-long presentation led by educator and documentarian, Logic Ali, to learn lesser-known facts about the life of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

Did you know:

Martin Luther King was actually born as Michael King?

Learn about Dr. King’s name change and other lesser-known facts by watching the replay below!

Watch the Replay

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